Five Reasons Why You Should Enter The Aurora Awards

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Seeking for recognition in your motion media work is honorable.

RECOGNITION: The Aurora Awards selects excellence so that we may professionally qualify filmmakers for their customers, it’s part of a screening process -- so your customers can know quickly who to trust for quality. Afterall, we live in a value-based society. We also award excellence because your intrinsic values need to be satisfied and needs drive motivation. Plus, if you are part of a team you’ll also be more profitable when appreciated. Besides, there are perks along the way -- like establishing your name in history as someone who excelled or being an inspiration to others.

Read more about seeking recognition (in development)

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The Aurora Awards is a credible industry measurement tool for you.

MEASUREMENT: We live in a world where different professions each have measurements to indicate progress. And, the Aurora Awards has created the highest industry measurement to the industry niche served. This includes maintaining a group of award-winning and credible filmmakers as judges, a focus on quality of reviews, offering a large variety of creative work categories which are matched to the judge’s strengths, transparency within judging, an independent-owned organization with reasonable entry fees, and judges who offer feedback for your benefit. Our amazing and supportive judges are the main reason why we continue to provide a professional service to you, the filmmakers, worldwide.

Read more about measurements in filmmaking for entertainment works.
Read more about measurements in filmmaking for corporate and technical works (in development).

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The Aurora Awards provide judges' feedback for each category entered.

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Bill Gates

FEEDBACK:  As we seek to become better creators, shouldn’t we all be looking for the highest quality reviews of our work -- reviews from filmmaking specialists in the areas we are creating the work? That is ultimately what promotes us to improve, reach higher, and it keeps us grounded. At the Aurora Awards we believe that by providing positive feedback in the areas of technical execution, content, and creativity. You can utilize the information and choose to use it to your benefit. Often, our judges provide feedback in specifics which help to guide you to something you may have never considered.

Read more about feedback for filmmaking (in development).

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Winning an Aurora Award offers you unique marketing content.

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” -- Marva Collins

MARKETING:  With the saturation of marketing today you must create remarkable content and your ability to create excellent work in film and video is very newsworthy content. Take the opportunity to enter your work, and if it meets our qualification it will create many more options for you to market in new and unique ways to many kinds of individuals and groups. Marketing our winners is something we believe in and we are getting stronger with more places to market your talents each year.

Read more about marketing your filmmaking (in development).

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Winning Aurora Awards opens the doors to opportunities of respect, growth, and service.

OPPORTUNITY: Being part of the Aurora community will extend your runway of opportunities two-fold. First, you will see a goal to reach – earning the highest Aurora Award, the Platinum Aurora. The awards come with higher standards than other like awards and winners have met the values we expect. Being a company of good values is important and we expect the same from our entrants. The second is participating with an elite group of talented judges, which use their talents to (1) give back to the film industry, (2) gain another perspective of their work by viewing others’, and (3) earn a stipend or pay it forward. 

Read more about reaching higher (in development).
Read more about judging for The Aurora’s.




 Wait, wait...there's more!

There are many more benefits we provide. We like to be different and you will notice that we offer more benefits than the primary ones we have listed above. Namely:

Only motion media -- Our focus is on film, video and motion media and does not include print or radio. Because of this we can give a quality recognition to filmmakers judged by their award-winning filmmaking peers. 

Full works reviewed -- We encourage you to submit your work in its entirety, not just a few minutes. This way we can learn if your work is consistent from beginning to end and is quality throughout.

Competition deadlines -- We make a first deadline for you to reach and have only one extension a few weeks later. Enter at the same price for all deadlines.

Reasonable entry fees -- You get something for entering -- that's judging feedback. Quid pro quo! And your entry fee will not be applied toward someone else who wins.

No administrative fees -- We do not charge any separate fees to process your entries or when you place an order.

No acceptance fees -- If you win, you order what you want and when you wish (even years later).

Lower priced, higher quality award -- We believe that you should receive an exceptional and quality-crafted reward for your accomplishment. You'll be proud to present or display The Aurora as it stands taller than all others (literally).

Respect your protection for your entry -- We ask what kind of release and promotional restrictions you'd like on your entry. Your work does not become our property and you may request special protection for a pre-release.

Respect for your protection on our website -- We take the highest precautions to adhere to the most current PCI standards and use secure payment methods. 

And, unlike a film festival you will benefit from:
 -- No need to pay for travel expenses
 -- All entries are reviewed by several judges in various locations throughout the Continental U.S.
 -- No gala with expensive demands (fancy dress, extra time)
 -- Greater national and international promotion
 -- Number of winners based on meeting judging criteria above selecting "the best" which is based on quality of just those who enter



2022 Aurora Awards