Aurora Awards


It all started with an award-winning Producer/Director/Writer working in Utah. Like most professionals in the industry he was creative and adaptable and was called upon to do a lot of different kinds of media. While he continued with his full-time film job, in his off hours he created this incredible company to provide support to his growing family.

Ultimately, he created a company which recognized excellence by filmmakers of all aspects so they may be measured by the same scale. He included a lot of categories to represent all aspects of filmmaking, judging criterion that was comprehensive grading technical, content and creative achievement, a fee structure in which not all entrants subsidized the winners, an incredible-looking, quality, customized statue they could share with their clients, and a complimentary holographic certificate that was awarded with each winning entry.

Now, filmmakers receive credible recognition for reaching levels of professional quality. It is a reward system which recognizes more than one winner or no winners at all and is purely based on creator’s abilities invested into each motion media creation. Filmmakers of all kinds are welcome to enter from a selection of many categories which include corporate, entertainment, educational and instructional, technical, interactive, broadcast, and/or student works. Specialists can also be recognized for specific areas such as writing, directing, cinematography, animation, and many more within the creation of their motion media work. In the last 25 years, we have receive entries from film and media organizations of all sizes, major companies, national and international groups, independents, and developing creators.

Today, we take the judging process to a new level to give higher quality assessments which include aligning judges specialties to the kind of work entered, qualifying each judge based on their Aurora wins and professional experience, providing guideline standards for exceptional work within each category, clearly defining the scoring process to our new judges, and providing online judging built-in with new technology making it easier to accomplish. We invite you to learn why all this is important in this developing website.

We are also focusing on new and effective ways to market our winners and their talents, allowing entrants to define their purpose for better promotions. This new website is just the beginning of the things you will see because of our desire to assist and reward all those who are working hard to create excellent works in film and video.

Join us today!


Our team consists of three major groups that make the whole process work. Two groups without the additional one does not complete the combination to accomplish this praiseworthy task.





We are assisting filmmakers and the film industry by providing a professional standard of excellence. We encourage all motion media creators to improve in the realm they create work for others. Learn about how we help to make this happen.


The Aurora Awards' values and seeks to encourage filmmakers as they grow--we expect them to reach for excellence in each creation. We also promote good values in content and offer a great value for the services we provide. Learn more.



All entries which are not released for all national U.S. feeds (prime time) or motion picture are eligible for our competition. Your entries are judged nationally by working, award-winning professionals to score and provide feedback. Then we produce winners lists based on the results and provide promotional tools for marketing your accomplishments. Learn more.


We proudly offer you more for your entry fee by providing judging feedback. Other benefits include quality judging process, entry deadlines that are withheld as announced, a listening ear, flexibility, and a desire to innovate for filmmakers. 
Learn more.



The Aurora Award is a symbol of excellence and literally stands taller than other industry film awards. Her beauty was designed to praise your accomplished filmmaking efforts. Learn more.



We have gained a great panel of judges from 25 years of experience --award-winning working professionals who care about each entry. Multiple panels review your entry, score in the areas of Execution, Content and Creativity. And, they provide feedback in the areas of Best Elements and Improvements. Learn more.



The Aurora Awards proudly displays our winners and their winning titles on our website (prior to 2015 are under construction). We link the entrant’s company back to their own website so all may see and learn how to reach our winners to have their next film or video made. Learn more.







I like that the Aurora Awards have high standards in their judging. We know if we win an Aurora Award that we have done something special. I was drawn to enter by the quality of the competition and the statue. I love the statue. It is high quality and very impressive to showcase. 

-- Mark Rodin, Director, Seminole Productions Florida State University 

One of America's great video competitions! 

-- Dave Fulton, Image Resources, Inc., Indiannapolis, IN

2022 Aurora Awards